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Proximal femoral Nailing Treatment in Tamabaram

Physiotherapy clinic in Tambaram

Are you Looking for Physiotherapy Treatment in Tambaram, Sunshine Super Speciality Physiotherapy Clinic, We Provide Electrotherapy, Exercise and Manual Therapy, Orthopedic, Neuro, Cardio, Pediatric, Sports and Geriatric Rehabilitation, Post Operative Physiotherapy Treatment, Fracture Rehabilitation, pain free movement.

                Sunshine® Super Speciality Physiotherapy 

Home visit case- Proximal femoral nailing since 3 months, Strengthening exercise to hip joint, knee joint, ankle joint and foot..

#PhysiotherapyTreatment  #Exercise #ManualTherapy #Rehabilitation 

  • Do you struggle with fatigue at work?

    Physiotherapy clinic in Tambaram

    Are you Looking for Physiotherapy Treatment in Tambaram, Sunshine Super Speciality Physiotherapy Clinic, We Provide Electrotherapy, Exercise and Manual Therapy, Orthopedic, Neuro, Cardio, Pediatric, Sports and Geriatric Rehabilitation, Post Operative Physiotherapy Treatment, Fracture Rehabilitation, pain free movement.

                    Sunshine® Super Speciality Physiotherapy 

    4 Office Ergonomic Fixes To Prevent Fatigue

    Do you struggle with fatigue at work?

    Here are some easy fixes to improve your workday fatigue.

    1. Posture is essential.

    We all have heard this a thousand times, but what does good posture actually entail especially sitting in an office work station every day? If you’re sitting often, sit up straight, pull your shoulders back and relaxed, gaze straight forward (your eyes should meet the top of your browser window), arms angled 90 degrees at the elbow, and legs angled 90 degrees at the knee with feet comfortably flat on the ground. Don’t slouch!

    2. Stand up and walk around for 1 minute every hour.

    Grab a glass of water. Go use the restroom. Grab a quick snack. Have a quick chat. Standing up and walking around can reduce the stress on your lower back, hips, and glutes by shifting the gravitational pressure from sitting too long. Bonus: taking a brief moment to have a positive conversation can reduce mental stress.

    3. Give your eyes a break from the screen.

    To prevent eyestrain, dry eyes, and stiff neck, take 20 seconds every 20 minutes to close your eyes or look away from your screen to give a chance for your eyes to refocus and rotate your head to stretch out your neck. This can also help prevent potential migraines and headaches.

    4. Adjust your seat.

    Adjusting your seat properly for yourself can also help improve your overall posture. Make sure the arms of your chair is properly adjusted to support the weight of your arms to keep your arms at a comfortable 90 degrees. Make sure your chair is also properly adjusted to your height and length of your legs. Again, you want your legs resting comfortably at a 90-degree angle and feet flat touching the ground for proper support. Lastly, also make sure your back is being properly supported. adjust the backing of your seat to help you sit up straight. Implement lumbar support cushions for optimal support for your back.

    Feel free to check out our Corporate Ergonomics Training And Wellness page for more information on how we can help you and/or your company reduce physical fatigue in the office and improve work-life quality today.

    #PhysiotherapyTreatment  #Exercise #ManualTherapy #Rehabilitation #PostOperativePhysiotherapyTreatment #F...

    Are you experiencing dizziness and balance issues?

    Physiotherapy clinic in Tambaram

    Are you Looking for Physiotherapy Treatment in Tambaram, Sunshine Super Speciality Physiotherapy Clinic, We Provide Electrotherapy, Exercise and Manual Therapy, Orthopedic, Neuro, Cardio, Pediatric, Sports and Geriatric Rehabilitation, Post Operative Physiotherapy Treatment, Fracture Rehabilitation, pain free movement.

                    Sunshine® Super Speciality Physiotherapy 

    Happy #TherapistThursday! 4 Exercises for Dizziness & Balance with Breakthrough Physical Therapy

    Are you experiencing dizziness and balance issues? In this video, Lopa Chitalia, PT, MS, AIB-VR, LSVT BIG ™ demonstrates how physical therapy can be used as an alternative method to opioids/pain relievers to help resolve dizziness and balance issues!

  • Neck Arthritis (Cervical Spondylosis) Treatment in Tambaram 

    Physiotherapy clinic in Tambaram

    Are you Looking for Physiotherapy Treatment in Tambaram, Sunshine Super Speciality Physiotherapy Clinic, We Provide Electrotherapy, Exercise and Manual Therapy, Orthopedic, Neuro, Cardio, Pediatric, Sports and Geriatric Rehabilitation, Post Operative Physiotherapy Treatment, Fracture Rehabilitation, pain free movement.

                    Sunshine® Super Speciality Physiotherapy 

                     Neck Arthritis (Cervical Spondylosis) Treatment in Tambaram 

    Most symptoms of neck arthritis respond well to conservative treatment Cervical spondylosis is extremely common. More than 85 percent of people over the age of 60 are affected.The con...

    Shoulder Pain and Stiffness - Treating Infraspinatus

    Physiotherapy clinic in Tambaram

    Are you Looking for Physiotherapy Treatment in Tambaram, Sunshine Super Speciality Physiotherapy Clinic, We Provide Electrotherapy, Exercise and Manual Therapy, Orthopedic, Neuro, Cardio, Pediatric, Sports and Geriatric Rehabilitation, Post Operative Physiotherapy Treatment, Fracture Rehabilitation, pain free movement.

                    Sunshine® Super Speciality Physiotherapy 

    Shoulder Pain and Stiffness - Treating Infraspinatus

    The infraspinatus muscle is an important part of the rotator cuff. It helps stabilize the shoulder joint by acting against the deltoid muscle and the teres minor muscles. However, this muscle can be overused or weak, which can cause shoulder impingement. If you are experiencing pain in your shoulder, you should consult a doctor. He or she can determine what is causing the pain and offer treatment. This can include medication, conservative therapies including natural alternative therapies and exercises to strengthen the muscles.

    The infraspinatus is one of the four muscles that make up the rotator cuff. These muscles prevent the humerus from dislocating. They also help stabilize the head of the humerus in the glenoid cavity. When the muscle is overused, it can lead to a tear of the tendon or a bursitis. Symptoms can include pain, swelling, and loss of range of motion. In some cases, surgery may be nece...